Be a Part of the Living Stations Calling All middle school and High School Youth 5th - 12th grade Service Opportunity with a deeper understanding of the Stations of the Cross From: Erin LeBrocq Youth Director One Performance Friday March 24th at 6:30pm in the church. Three practices in the church February 18th, March 11th, and March 18th all Sundays after 11am for 1 hour. You will receive service hours for all practices and performance day. The only speaking roles are for the readers. The other roles are a silent portrayal of each station. If you are interested in participating there are three ways you can contact me 1. Sign up sheet in the Narthex 2. Text 318-230-8948 3. Email [email protected] Roles will be assigned at first come, so I encourage you to sign up quickly. Peace and Love Ms. Erin